Recently I was invited to an XDress photoshoot which I have to say was an absolute blast, but it created a burning question I wanted to ask you! I have to know my friends, what do you think of men and women side by side wearing lingerie in photos?  Seeing a hot man like Michael in lingerie was truly something to behold, but I found it really went to the next level for me to see Aurora in lingerie next to Michael. I could picture myself and my love doing the same, which made it all the more personal and intimate. Does this also hold true for you?



In the media we are bombarded with women in lingerie, and seeing this on it's own doesn't really become anything special for me. However, when I see a guy in lingerie that’s a different story! I picture myself in the pieces they are wearing and it makes me think of what it would feel like for me. I am very much about the feel, look, and fit (XDress has the best fit!). Now, when you add in a woman into the picture, I instantly get flashed back to the exciting feeling of what it would be like to wear the lingerie for my love. I get that heart racing sensation when I am modeling something new for her. Am I alone in this feeling? What about two guys together in lingerie, does this also hold the same feeling for you?



I really hope you will share with me your thoughts on this cause, since the more we share the more we realize we are not alone. I know I would love to see more photos from XDress that show both men and women together in beautiful lingerie. I think it would also be sexy to feature women in a more masculine light and the man in a feminine manner (tastefully done as only XDress can do). Another would be to have a woman/man helping a man do up his bra or attach his garters. But again, these are just my thoughts. Tell me what you think?

Until next time my friends remember we define what is sexy and we deserve to feel sexy ourselves!


XD Blogger

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The man is so handsome. Can I know his name ? include facebook, instagram,… is better

Doan Phong

The male/female pictures are interesting if you’re straight or bi, but if you’re gay and like men in lingerie, it’s kind of a turn-off to see a dressed woman in the picture. If you’re going to show straight couples, please at least show the women in lingerie as well. It would also be nice to see male/male couples either both dressed in lingerie or one in masculine lingerie (jocks/briefs, etc.) with the other in feminine lingerie. Thanks for asking our opinion!


I do enjoy the male- female photo shoots. After all, isn’t that one of our objectives, to bring our partners into the intimacy’s of our lives? And I agree, why just make-female, why not add a third person? Although Michael and Aurora are a beautiful couple, why not show someone who is 50 plus and who doesn’t have a model perfect build? Personally I love the idea of a trunk show party. I would love to be invited!


Kudos to Mare
Thats what all of us need
Acceptance understanding and love


As a woman in love with a man who is fond of wearing sexy panties and stockings for me, I must say I love this photo shoot. I want to give those of you who havent come out as cross dressers to your partner hope. I am a straight woman i a relationship with a Bi man who first let me know he loves wearing women’s lingeries 17 years ago when we were first dating. He did this by showing me the sexy red panties he was wearing under his jeans one day. I smiled and told him how incredibly sexy he looked in panties. The only reason that relationship didn’t work out back then is that he moved 3000 miles away to pursue the career of his dreams and distance doesn’t work for either of us. We are back together and still very much in love 17 years later. He has not revealed his love of wearing panties and stocking to subsequent lovers. While I understand that many of you fear rejection from a partner if she should find out that you love cross dressing, the stories here of men whose partners love that they dress in sexy lingerie should give you hope. The woman who rejects you for wearing lingerie does not love you for who you really are. The right woman will love you, including the fact that you love wearing panties, bras, stockings. Etc. Hold out for the woman who loves you exactly as you are. You deserve to be loved by a woman who finds your cross dressing not only tolerable, but incredibly sexy! Kudos to all of you for embracing your feminine side.


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