Greetings dear readers. I hope this blog finds you well and safe. For this blog, I would like to turn our attention to the important topic of hair care. You can be an absolute master of makeup and styles of clothing, but if your hair is a greasy rat’s nest, you’re wasting your time with everything else!
First, let’s consider the hair on your head, face, and eyebrows. Regarding the hair on your head, there are so many styles today and I would encourage you to find whatever style seems to work for you. Regular shampooing and conditioning is a must. I don’t recommend the 2 in 1 types that are both shampoo and conditioner. With shampoo, getting a shampoo with biotin in it is a good idea, as biotin strengthens the hair. The simplest way to ensure you are getting the best shampoo and conditioner is to go to a hair salon and get a recommendation. Of course, they are going to recommend the product they sell (go figure) but they generally sell top of the line products.
As far as facial hair is concerned, the only thing I will say is to make sure it is neatly tended and trimmed. Concerning eyebrows, big bushy eyebrows are definitely out. For nice, neat eyebrows, go to a nail salon. Most of them wax eyebrows and know what they are doing.
Speaking of waxing, let’s move on to another type of hair care, and that is hair removal. This is a big one for me, as I enjoy wearing skirts – especially shorter skirts during warm weather. Skirts and hairy legs just don’t go together, and hairy armpits and sleeveless blouses don’t look so hot either.
There are basically three types of hair removal – shaving, depilatory cream, and waxing. Each has its advantages. First, shaving is the most straight forward and can easily be done in the shower. The downside is in order to maintain a neat appearance, you have to shave frequently. If you shave the Brazilian area, there is the hazard of razor burn which is really uncomfortable in that very sensitive area. There are creams on the market that are designed to deal with that problem, and you apply it a few minutes before hitting the shower. Repeated shaving of the Brazilian area toughens the skin, just like it does on your face, and eventually, you won’t need the prep cream.
The second method of hair removal is depilatory cream. With this cream, you apply it several minutes before showering and then let the shower rinse off the cream. Theoretically, the hair will rinse off with the cream. I say “theoretically” because whether or not it works depends on the texture of your hair. The hair on women’s legs tends to be finer than men’s, although that certainly isn’t always true. The texture of the hair on my legs is pretty coarse, and depilatory cream doesn’t work at all well for me. All I can really say on this topic is to try it if you like and see what happens.
This brings us to the third method of hair removal – waxing. People who do this are referred to as estheticians. Word of mouth is usually the best way to find an esthetician. I am an advocate of waxing and have had waxing every six months for about seven years. I have now gotten to the point that I can go more like 18 months, as the hair follicles eventually give up. I wanted an esthetician who was crossdresser friendly, and I found one. She has no problem at all with seeing me in panties. In fact, the last time I was there, we got into a really good conversation, and when she was done with the waxing, I was sitting on the table in my panties still talking and neither one of us had a second thought about a man sitting in nothing but panties talking to a woman behind closed doors. That is how comfortable we are with each other.
The advantage of waxing is that you can have it done once every six months or so to start out, and it leaves your skin incredibly smooth and clean feeling. The downside is when you first start, it is pretty uncomfortable. My recommendation is to take some sort of over the counter pain killer about an hour before you go in. Eventually, you won’t need to do that, as the amount of hair growth diminishes over time, as I’ve already said, and you just kind of get used to it. I’ve had a couple of Brazilians and all I can say is if you are into pain... Brazilians hurt like a bad dog, and after the second one, I decided a razor was just fine with me.
Well, there you have my thoughts on hair care. Get those keyboards humming and share your thoughts with the rest of us. You know I love reading your thoughts.
Fond regards,
I should have said – there is one very private area I do shave regularly. This is for presentation purposes and definitely has a hygiene benefit too. Doing that on a regular basis makes me feel I’m showing respect for others. I also extend that shave to a wider area for visual and sensual appeal and It seems that I only need to do that once every few weeks or so.
Funny how you get different types of hair in different places.
What do you do about forearm hair? Mine’s not that heavy and I’ve considered bleaching to feel more comfortable in shorter sleeves.
Love to you all
Ally x
I love to keep my body hair :) I shaved few times and it was nice for a day only and my wife didn’t like. I found the I love the the connection between my male body and my inner femininity. I know that most of the crossderssers or underdressers love to be smooth.
I wish that xdress will give more attention to man like me that enjoy both parts of them…
You must have read my mind Angie.
I was thinking about hair only the other day. I normally wear trousers but am really tempted by xdress’s latest mesh mini-dresses. I’ve shaved in the past but find it so much trouble so wondered about leaving my leg hair on. And I noticed your model does, so I thought, why not?
Admitedly, your model is not that hairy, and neither am I naturally. I also wondered about how society has created this idea that women must be hairless. Yet women do have naturally hairy legs.
So I had just convinced myself that a mesh mini with fishnets and unshaven legs would be ok.
Maybe it is.
Ally x
A well presented article on hair removal giving pretty much all the options available.
For me personally, smooth is the only look; irrespective of how you achieve it!
I shave my pubes everyday. Wearing gorgeous panties with loads of hair showing looks awful. Smooth shaven looks good and feels good to. The skin soft to the touch is so much nicer, and sexy too.
Likewise for the legs, stockings and hairy legs do not go together. Nothing feels nicer than sliding your stockings up smooth legs. It looks amazing too.
Keep up the informative blogs.
I’ve been waxing for years! I have an esthetician who was sweet, and accepting from the start. We became close and great friends over the years. She has been buying me panties for a while :) I love having shapes done!