Pillow Talk w/ Hannah: Taking Care of Body Hair!

Pillow Talk w/ Hannah: Taking Care of Body Hair!
Hi Hannah, How do you manage body hair and skin?

It's a process!  And it requires developing a routine that you stick with.

The key word here is ROUTINE.  

We all have skin, and the thinking that only women should take care of their skin is silly.  If your face grows facial hair, and you shave that hair, how you treat your skin will impact your shaving.  If you wear makeup, then taking care of your skin is part of wearing makeup.  

For my face, I use a facial scrub, specifically St. Ives Apricot Scrub.  I wash my face in the morning and right before I slip into an XDress nightie and fall asleep.  This is a small thing but the benefits are amazing.  Although this is an easy step, it's easy to fall out of routine.  Let's face it, we sometimes feel too tired to do these things, but it only takes a minute and developing a habit takes a couple of weeks.

As for the rest of my body, a good scrubbing body soap is a must.  

Of course, the highest quality products do little good if you don't use them.  My adage is that crossdressing takes time, money, and patience.  Yes, taking care of your skin takes extra time, and yes, spending a little more on products is annoying, but good skin doesn't just magically happen.

As for body hair, good skin is also part of that.  Taking care of your skin can help open up pores and help prevent ingrown hairs.  Not done properly, shaving (no matter where) can cause irritation.  

I shave my face in the shower as the hot water helps open up my pores and helps with a cleaner, smoother shave.  If this isn't an option, washing my face with warm water is a decent substitute.  

As for the rest...

If you are shaving any part of your body for the first time, you likely have years and years of hair to remove.  A simple razor is not going to do the trick, and your shower drain will hate you.  Instead, buy a hair clipper and carefully, CAREFULLY remove your hair as best as you are able.  Once most of the longer hair is gone, then out comes the razor.  Another option is to get waxed to remove years of body hair, and once you are clean and smooth, maintain that smoothness with regular shaving.

It's easy to overthink removing body hair, but once you get rid of years or hair growth, then it becomes a lot easier...  IF you maintain it.   I shave my body hair once a week and by keeping this routine this process becomes much more manageable.  

Anyway, here's my process, but I want to mention that this is MY process and what works for me may not necessarily work for you.  Your skin is different from my skin.  My razor may be different from your razor.  Much of what we do is trial and error and learning from what works and what doesn't.  Since I shave once a week, my body hair growth is pretty minimal.  If I go longer than that, then the itching from hair growing back is very annoying, but after years of smooth skin, the itching isn't noticeable at all...  IF I maintain my normal schedule.  I usually begin the process of applying Nair to my skin.  Please keep in mind that products like Nair or Veet can be very effective BUT they can also really, really irritate your skin.  Before you cover your whole body with a product like this, try a small test area to see how your skin will react.  

Just a heads up, products like this will TINGLE and might be an uncomfortable sensation.  Make sure you read the instructions thoroughly before using and keep these products away from your eyes and your genitalia.  

Generally I keep Nair on for about five minutes, and then I step into the shower.  Using a loofah, I then wash the Nair off my skin.  It's not going to remove everything, but it's a good start.  Once that is removed, then I use a razor and shaving cream.  I always use "boy razors" and "boy shaving cream".  Yes, I prefer pink sparkly razors and strawberry smelling shaving cream, but those products just aren't as effective for my body hair.  Also, use a separate razor for your face from your body.  Shaving your chest and arms and legs isn't that much different from your face, but it will take some time getting used to.  This is where patience comes in.  Take your time and take it slow.  You'll learn that the tiniest nick in the world from shaving your ankles is going to bleed a lot.  Like, a LOT A LOT.  But if you are taking your time (enjoy it!) then this can be avoided.

Also, keep your skin moisturized.  Lotion after shaving is a must.

And drink water.  Hydration is part of good, clean skin.  Besides, EVERY part of your body needs water.  

Love, Hannah

The views and opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of XDress

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Laser is also an option. It is sometimes expensive but after years of shaving my chest I was left with few options due to ingrown hairs. The ingrown hairs left red spots all over my chest and it usually looked awful. Laser completely cleared this up. I also love smooth legs and over the years i have started shaving my legs. I’m also considering laser on my legs because the results were outstanding on my chest.


Laser is also an option. It is sometimes expensive but after years of shaving my chest I was left with few options due to ingrown hairs. The ingrown hairs left red spots all over my chest and it usually looked awful. Laser completely cleared this up. I also love smooth legs and over the years i have started shaving my legs. I’m also considering laser on my legs because the results were outstanding on my chest.


It’s so important to look your best when wearing XD’s gorgeous lingerie. For me, totally smooth is the only way to present myself to my lover. XD’s lingerie looks and feels amazing on a smooth man.


Mine legs were never real hairy. I shave them in the shower. Armpits were a little tricky at first. Used a trimmer before razor. Every time I shave my face I shave my pits. Pubes trimmer first usually electric shaver once a week. Once a month razor on pubes. Baby oil then shave gel and shave cross ways not up or down. New razor first use only.


Good blog Hannah! I shave my legs bi-weekly and use men’s shaving cream and razor. It does not grow as quick as you would think so the bi-weekly works for me. I do my armpits weekly, same razor/cream. As for my parts,I found a Manzillian works great! If unfamiliar with it, think Brazilian for men. The waxologist does a great job and it lasts about 4-6 weeks and saves any fear of nicks or cuts in that “sensitive region”. I also get my chest waxed every 6 weeks. Again, it lasts longer. If you have never waxed, I recommend it highly! Find a place like Radiant Wax where this Manzillian is listed as a service. Their waxologist will walk you through the process in a professional and safe manner. After that, I agree that hydration AND moisturizing are important but so too is EXFOLIATING! Very critical to preventing ingrowns! As for the face, I shave daily and use a moisturizer to keep the skin healthy. Very important as I live in a cold climate. Anyway, hope this helps and love the blog!


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