"Topic of panties peeking out - is this frowned upon? I'm not sure what the general consensus is of how others feel about this. With low rise pants becoming common and panties that ride up, it seems inevitable. I'm conscious enough to try to prevent it. But it happens. I don't have a kink for that at all and I don't want it to seem like I'm involving others in a kink since that's never what I intend. It can be difficult to avoid. Same goes for the locker room in a gym, in a way."
I think panties and other things that we wear under our clothes are personal and intimate. I don't feel that my panties are for the world to see, and I wouldn't want someone to see what I am wearing unless I choose to show them.
I think panties and other things that we wear under our clothes are personal and intimate. I don't feel that my panties are for the world to see, and I wouldn't want someone to see what I am wearing unless I choose to show them.
It can happen by accident, and like you, I am hyper aware of potential risks. Low rise pants, a belt that is not tightened properly, crouching down... These are elements that can cause that. But when people choose an outfit BECAUSE it will show off their panties (or boxers), then I feel it is a little tacky. I really don't want to see someone else's underwear without my consent, if you will.

I should clarify that the setting matters. If I were at the club I wouldn't be surprised if an outfit was more revealing, but I think it's a little inappropriate to see the same style at the grocery store. As you said, I also do not want to be a part of someone else's kink. I think decorum is something that we have lost. Sex, and everything that is or can be part of sex, HAS to be consensual.
I present as male for much of my life, including when I go to the gym. The gym I go to has private change rooms which I use and that prevents anyone from seeing my panties.
For me, I am super careful about this for other reasons besides etiquette. I really don't want people in my life to know what I wear. If someone sees your panties, intentionally or not, then you are opening yourself up to however they choose to react, and it might not be very pleasant. I think we all know what COULD happen. Afterall, most of us keep this side of ourselves a secret from the majority of the world and we do this for a variety of reasons. One reason why I keep what I wear to myself is that I do not want to have "The Talk" unless it's my decision. If my panties peek out, and a coworker or a family member or whomever sees, there's the chance that they will ask why I am wearing panties. Of course, it's none of their business and I think it's super weird to ask about someone else's underwear, but let's face it, some people are very nosy and have no sense of etiquette.

Of course, if someone does indeed see your panties (or a bra strap), it's very possible that they may not say something to YOU, but possible that they may say something to everyone else. All of a sudden your coworkers are all discussing your panties because let's face it, office gossip is a very real thing and for many people, it's a lot more fun than working. It won't take too long for people to start cracking jokes and soon things spiral out of control. You may not care what other people THINK about you, but you may be bothered by what other people SAY about you.
Love, Hannah
The views and opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of XDress
As a crossdresser,I findit to be a rush having my panties show.
It’s also very affirming showing off my VPL in public.
Hello everybody, Excellent topic, I’ve been wearing lingerie since I was very young, it all started with a friend and then a boyfriend. I agree that no one has anything to do with what we like to wear, in any case we have to maintain respect towards our families and at work without a doubt we would be the target of gossip. No matter how careful we are, there will always be one day when something escapes us, that was my case, at my boyfriend’s house the maid saw me wearing my panties and simply laughed at me the other time at work I accidentally bent down to pick up a pen and my secretary saw a little of my panties, to this day I haven’t said anything and I think I kept it a secret. The only time I go a little further is on vacation with my boyfriend, we look for calm places and times of the year with fewer people and I enjoy my taste for feeling feminine and I like some transparencies where you can see the panties and I love wearing a bikini on the beach. Kisses Francisca
I see your point Hannah and agree them them, but I also have my own take on it. Who else is old enough when so called whale tails (mostly women purposefully wearing thongs with clothes where they would peak out) were a thing? I thought that was so sexy, miss those days. I don’t go looking to see another persons underwear, but when I do get a glimpse, wow. As for myself I am very aware of what I am wearing but don’t try to hide it or show it off. Took awhile to finally being comfortable changing at the gym, but no one has ever said anything or given me any weird looks. In my opinion underwear/panties are the best part of the clothes that I have to wear everyday
Great subject. For me, if my panties or bra shows it should be because I want it to (and sometimes I do), but I agree that peoples reaction can be negative. I must admit to enjoying a discrete flash, but only in the right places. Of the few occasions when it’s happened (bra more than anything) truly accidentally, I believe I’ve been lucky either to have no reactions or only positive.
I have this “fear” also Hannah. To the point that I don’t wear my bras outside the house unless I have a coat or jacket to cover up even more. I’m not ashamed of the underwear I choose to wear. It’s other people’s opinions I’m not ready to deal with.