When purchasing undergarments, XDress provides an array of underwear to choose from. Such as silk, satin, ribbed rayon, and now even more lace! With the launch of our new Normandy Lace Collection we have provided some tips on how to take care of your new lace underwear! Lace ought to be treated with care due to its delicate nature. It's tempting to let everything be washed and dried together, but that can lead to some washing machine disasters. Therefore, we came up with some extra tips on keeping your undergarments looking new and fresh.
1.) Before machine-washing your undergarments, always look at the care label! Some silk, satin, and lace underwear may specifically instruct not to machine-wash or tumble-dry.
2.) Use a mesh garment bag for your delicate lace undergarments! This will keep your underwear separate from other clothes and prevent snagging. There is nothing worse than a piece of lace getting stuck in one of your button down shirts!
3.) Separate your whites from your colorful undergarments. You don't want your other white clothes turning a light pink or periwinkle. Also, never use bleach when washing lace. It’s a bit different than washing a cotton white tee. Unless you would like for your underwear to look like tie-dye. Plus, it tends to destroy and eat away at the lace.
4.) When drying, leave lace undergarments out to dry. Either lay them out flat on a towel or hang dry them. The heat in the dryer will shrink and disrupt the lace, causing it to deconstruct sooner. Laying it out flat even helps the lace to dry faster while doing the rest of your laundry.
5.) If you want to take extra care of your lace underwear, you can also hand-wash. Just fill a bowl with water and add 1Tbsp. of detergent. Let it soak and gently work the suds into the garment. Rinse with cold water and allow for your lace underwear to air-dry.
The NEW lace collection just dropped on XDress! So happy to see the many new colors being offered! Thanks!
just ordered more of the brazil lace panties and can’t wait for them to arrive it’s gonna be a wonderful night out wearing them with my nylon hose and heels thanx xd.