Finding Your Bliss

Finding Your Bliss

Greetings dear readers! Right now is a very trying time for everyone around the world, due to the recent pandemic outbreak. I truly hope you all are staying safe and remain in good spirits. Today, I would like to bring us all back to simpler moments when we were completely blissful and stress-free. For me, I've had several of these moments throughout my journey.

When I was rather young, probably around the age of 12, my curiosity towards feminine clothing had started to transcend into an obsession. I would always take any opportunity I could to dress up, but there was one time, in particular, that was incredibly memorable for me. One night, my sister was gone and my parents were occupied elsewhere. So, I locked myself in her room and explored my fascinations.

She left behind an entire wardrobe's worth of clothes, and there were several memorable items that I just absolutely fell in love with. The first of which, was a gray lace thong very similar to the Lace Picot Thong here on XDress. I loved the soft feel of the materials, the beautiful lace, and the way it felt to wear. Another item I cherished was a white and black striped mini-skirt, which was so soft and flowy that I felt it was absolutely ridiculous I wasn't allowed to wear it regularly.

The last item I remember vividly from that night was a pair of leather, knee-high boots with a 3" heel, that looked incredibly similar to the Bottes Dangeruse. That night of exploring my feminine side will forever remain ingrained in my brain, as it was perhaps one of the most wholesome experiences I've ever had. That night also seems to have heavily influenced my current style, since thongs, flowy (skater) skirts and leather boots remain some of the favorite items in my wardrobe.


During that same year, one of my older sisters moved back in with my family. She was much older than my other sister, so she had a lot of gorgeous lingerie that I adored. I recall my first time trying on a pair of her red fishnets, exactly like the red Fishnet Tights here on XD, and I could not get over the design! It captivated me in a way nothing else had before. Just like many of you, this is how I started exploring this side of me and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it!

Now these times were certainly not the only blissful memories I've had throughout my journey. My experience when I was 12 was indeed euphoric, however, I suffered extreme guilt and anxiety afterward, as I did most times I would dress up throughout my younger years. The day I decided to come out to my girlfriend was no different, and I suffered the worst anxiety I had ever felt, which remained for several months. One day though, those feelings started to wither.

It was the day that I first dressed publicly, which is perhaps more memorable than any other experience I've had. I wore black pantyhose, an asymmetric leather skirt, and a velvet top with leather boots. My girlfriend and I went to the mall and out for lunch, and even though I was incredibly nervous most of the time, I was incredibly happy. Years of fear, anxiety, and insecurity was suddenly shed off my shoulders, as I was finally able to fulfill who I am destined to be.

That day I had a wonderful realization that nobody really cares about what you wear. I was still treated with respect, and nobody pointed at me and laughed like I had feared they would for so long. Better yet, I got to go about my daily life presenting myself the way I had always dreamed of. On this day, I knew it was something that I would never let go of. This was undoubtedly the most triumphant accomplishment I've had on a human level, as I knew the courage and bravery it took to be someone that the majority of society stigmatizes.

Now especially during difficult times such as these, it is very important to immerse yourself in activities that reduce stress. For the majority of us here, the act of dressing up alone is a huge stress-reliever. Luckily, XDress is one of the companies that has been able to stay open despite this pandemic, so what better time is there to stay at home and wear some pretty clothes? Go ahead and treat yourself! We certainly all deserve it.

And that concludes my blog! I hope this blog can allow us all a moment of escape, as we share our own blissful experiences. So what are yours? What experiences will forever remain in your memory? I'd love to read all your stories!


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I love love love the photos of the model in the maid dress, if only I could look like that wearing frilly panties, petticoats and the dress, I would be have found my bliss. I am feeling like maybe I will buy one, just not sure how my wife would react, she is not a great fan of my love of gurly things, although she does her best to put up with it. Hope you make more really pretty dresses and more pictures of the model wearing them please!


Another blissful moment I remember from many years ago is when I visited a dressing service. I had to drive quite a way to reach it and when I arrived, the lady who opened the door was surprised to see me. We had somehow crossed wires in making the arrangements and she wasn’t expecting me. However, since I had driven such a long way, she invited me in.

After a leisurely chat about the look I’d like I chose some clothes and she then set to work on my make up. She worked away, chatting all the while, with me relaxing and responding to her commands to look up, look down, pout my lips etc. During all of this I couldn’t see myself in the mirror. Done with the make up she then chose a wig for me and we put that on. She combed and teased and adjusted the wig until she was happy. Then she turned me round to the mirror.

Well, I couldn’t believe what I saw! Staring back at me was a totally gorgeous woman most exquisitely made up and looking like one of my favourite TV stars in Dynasty. I had the most wonderfully lashed and smokey eyes, glossy red lips and a porcelain complexion with cleverly highlighted cheek bones. I almost burst into tears I was so pleased. When I saw myself in the mirror I was in heaven.

After breathlessly expressing my thanks we retired to her lounge for tea and for me to practice walking and sitting in my new look. I couldn’t resist admiring my face in the mirror in her lounge I was so overjoyed. I have visited dressing services since that time but no one has ever given me such a wonderful facial makeover. I didn’t see her again but am forever, deeply indebted to her for showing me what I could be.

Pure bliss.

Ally x


I found crossdressing at the age of 8-10
Started who shoe/ y toed 3-4 in heels and peep toe slingbacks
It progressed from there
I found my bliss when I accepted myself stopped loathing
Converted to all panties everyday
And pushed the envelope on womens jeans toenail polish and makeup
Still maintaining my heterosexuality
Bliss truly came when a friend said i was sexy in bra and panties and accepts me foe me
Wear something pretty today I am


Hi all, Greetings from Hamburg/Germany, currently the most affected city here as far as Corona. But I am fine.
I don’t remember exactly when I was attracted to feminine (under)wear, but for certain seeing an early 80s Prince strut around in stockings and thongs and ruffles and fishnet and wearing make up was turning point for me. But only 3 years ago, when I started doing a little travesty in my singing appearances I realized how sexy I find especially stockings, heels and sexy pants and i started wearing pants and purchased quite a collection from Xdress. I wear these basically each day and find it so liberating because they match my inner self so much more then the average cotton men’s pants.
So thanks to Xdress.
BUT on the other hand I am a gay guy and not straight or bi at all and I feel myself and my peers kinda underrepresented here at Xdress.


Love the commentary. Has xdress considered some everyday dresses and skirts. I have tried other women’s websites and cross dressing sites but have not found anything satisfactory.


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